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Application of matrices in Engineering science

A matrix is the most important part of engineering mathematics which is applied in our daily life. Matrices find many applications in scientific field as well as in real life situation. Matrix is applied in the study of electrical circuits, quantum mechanics, optics, calculation of battery power outputs, resistor conversion of electrical energy into another useful energy. Matrices also play a vital role in the projection of three dimensional images into two dimensional screens. Now a day’s matrix is used in the ranking of web pages in Google search. It can also be used in generalization of analytical motion like experimental & derivatives to their high dimensional. The most important usage of matrices in computer application is to encode, decode and send secret messages. Matrices are also used in geology for seismic survey, plotting graphs and robotics. In chemical engineering, problems are represented in terms of linear equation and solved by matrix method. Thus, matrices play a vital role in engineering science and are useful in solving scientific and real life problems.

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Artificial Intelligence: Future Technology

Artificial Intelligence is all around us. Artificial Intelligence creates a higher degree of efficiency and productivity by automating the repetitive task and creating immersive and responsive experience and understanding human sentiments and even emotions.
Artificial Intelligence (or AI) is "the study and design of intelligent agents" where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximizes its chances of success. John McCarthy, defines it as

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Energy in the form of electricity is a basic necessity for economic development and social progress. The necessity of providing electric power to the rapidly growing industrial as well as agricultural sectors has resulted in the setting up of a large number of coal based Thermal power stations in the different parts of the country. In these Thermal Power Stations, the burning coal at high temperature produces coal ash as a waste material. The huge quantity of ash being accumulated over the years is likely to pose a colossal problem for its disposal and cause environmental pollution leading to health hazards.

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Internet of Things: An Ease of Future

The influence that IoT has on the world is remarkable and it's only getting started.
The term "Internet of things" first came into picture in the late 1990s by entrepreneur Kevin Ashton. Ashton, who is one of the founders of the Auto-ID Center at MIT, he was part of a team that discovered how to link objects to the Internet through the RFID tag. He first used the phrase "Internet of Things" in a presentation he made in 1999 and since then the term has stuck around the world.

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Maglev Trains
The main difference between traditional style trains most commonly used today and maglev ones is that the latter has no wheels. These locomotives levitate. The tracks they run on are magnetized. The trains use the force this creates to propel them upward and forward at high speeds. Running these engines require the consumption of only a small amount of fuel. Thus, in addition to being faster than traditional style locomotives, these ones are more eco-friendly and less costly to operate. One challenge associated with instituting maglev trains is that there is a large start-up cost. Nevertheless, Maglev trains are already in operation in places like Germany and China, perhaps becoming the norm of rail travel by 2030.

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Mother tongue interference in acquisition of second language : Hindrance eradication

English language has now earned a great esteem globally. It is revered in Indian society with lot of prestige and the language has been greatly worshipped in the official as well as social circle. Though English language has managed to find its position as one of the mandatory language in the curriculum of Indian academia yet it is hard to find emphasis on enhancement of the speaking skills in the average Indian classroom. It is a tell-tale fact that a second language learner will not be able to acquire the mechanism of oral competence without deliberate and meticulous effort on it. As a result, the learners are not able to develop this skill and hence lack confidence while conversing in English.

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Ah Taj the iconic white marble walls of the Taj Mahal turning green.
Indian capital region and various other cities home to millions of people, are choking on severely polluted air.
The cities are facing a major air quality crisis, as perilous pollution levels forced flight cancellations, caused traffic accidents, closed schools, and sparked protests. Delhi is being described as a "gas chamber," and the city has declared a public health emergency.
Unprecedented pollution-induced haze has brought about the end of the zenith for unimpeded industrial growth and thoughtless human consumption. The central and local governments are forced to issue standards and regulations for pollution control, making emissions control an imperative for industrial enterprises.

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Things to Do When You've Lost Your Motivation

"I was thinking one day and I realized that if I just had somebody behind me all the way to motivate me I could make a big difference. Nobody came along like that so I just became that person for myself."
Staying motivated until you reach your goals and dreams isn't always easy. There are often roadblocks, plateaus and valleys along the way where you can get into a slump. And feel like you’ve simply lost your motivation somewhere along the way. So today I would like to share some tips, strategies and habits that I have used to find that motivation again.

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Engineering -A Future?

Making good use of an engineering degree needs careful thought before and after making the decision.
Looking at the number of engineering colleges in India and the number of engineers coming out of these colleges, the questions that form in everyone's mind are,"Does India needs so many engineers?" Are they all employable? The negativism brought forth by such questions has crippled engineering education in India.

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Quantum Learning Theory for Future Prospects

The famous theoretical physicist Richard Phillips Feynman had an idea on quantum theory regarding quantum computation. The idea was that computational perspective on quantum physics might produce an efficient method to simulate complex quantum physical system like molecules. This idea was carried further by David Elieser Deutsch. Theory and research given by Feynman and David Elieser Deutsch motivates the scientists to look into theoretical approach of quantum computers. This theoretical approach leads the scientists to look in the Turing machine which utilize the quantum mechanics principles and expect to give theoretical computational speedups over classical Turing machines. This is the beginning of new era in the field of quantum computing.

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Internet of Things

When we look around the world, we recognize that many of the objects in daily life are equipped with identifiers and wireless connectivity; these objects can be communicating with each other and be managing by computers. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new hot buzzword in the technology area. It is the inclusion of software and electronics in any device that is not usually considered computerized in nature. It gives devices an ability to network and communicate with other devices to deliver more value.

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Additive Manufacturing-The Present Need

The emergence of on-demand manufacturing is leading more and more manufacturers to give some serious thought to additive manufacturing. However, when it comes to mass production, subtractive manufacturing is always preferred. 3D printing is always recommended for prototyping in plastic but not for metals. Most metal parts are voluminous and therefore, take more time to print through 3D printing rather than subtractive manufacturing. Moreover, subtractive manufacturing is cheaper than additive manufacturing in 90 per cent of the cases.

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"This entire planet is our home. We are the only species that systematically destroy our own habitat."- Marianne Williamson
One person alone cannot save the planet’s biodiversity, but each individual’s effort to encourage nature’s wealth must not be underestimated.
Everyone can help by self education and by adopting good and healthy practices. It is also important that we help raise awareness about the significance of environmental issues, their dire consequences and what can be done.

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Quantum computing- A new era of computers

Computers are getting smaller and faster day by day because electronic components are getting smaller. But this process is about to meet its physical limit. The numbers of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months. By 2020 to 2025, transistors will be so small and generate so much heat that standard silicon technology may eventually collapse. Intel has already implemented 32nm silicon technology. If scale becomes too small, electrons tunnel through micro-thin barriers between wires corrupting signals.

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Engineers are the backbone of Nation Building

Engineers are not just glorified technicians in maintenance, repairs and operations. An engineer devises solutions to problems in a clever and creative manner. They are the link between scientific discoveries and the application of these new ideas to the world. Their main focus is on making things work efficiently and effectively by applying the theories and principles of sciences and mathematics to research, and develop economic solutions to technical problems. An engineer differs from a scientist by the nature of their training. While the scientists try to explore the natural world and discover new knowledge about the universe and how it works, engineers apply that knowledge to solve real problems, often with an eye toward improving efficiency and reducing cost. The purpose of engineering is to innovate, design, create and maintain products, system and equipment for the benefit and wellbeing of human beings. Their works are the connection between the perceived social needs and economic applications. They are the bridge between science and art. The purpose of engineering is to innovate, design, create and maintain products, systems and equipment for the benefit and wellbeing of human beings.

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DEFINITE INTEGRATION- Numerical techniques

Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical technique. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. The word quadrature has incompatible meanings. Integration by quadrature either means solving an integral analytically (i.e., symbolically in terms of known functions), or solving an integral numerically. The word "quadrature" means numerical computation of a univariate integral, and "cubature" means numerical computation of a multiple integral.

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Communication and Bollywood

The speaker; said exactly what is desired to be said, the listener is present; he listened and performed exactly in the way desired; the action took place exactly in the way it was pre- decided. WOW comes response from the Audience the process of communication is complete.

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Are Aptitude Tests a passing fad OR need of the hour???

Aptitude Test was developed during World-War-I by Carl Brigham. It was first used in the recruitment of Army called Army Alpha, later on as college admission test.
Aptitude is Knowledge + Attitude
Aptitude is nothing without the correct attitude. It all starts where attitude meets aptitude. Aptitude is needed in self directing ability to set and achieve goals, in self learning ability to accept change & in self motivation for problem solving. Aptitude empowers knowledge & helps in realizing vision and building career. Some of Aptitude Tests are Arithmetic Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning, Personality etc.

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Superconductors are the special materials which show zero electrical resistance below a critical temperature. In superconducting state, they behave like a perfect dimagnet and expel out the magnetic flux. This property is used in many applications in recent days.

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Dehyping Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)!!

How and where can robots assist people?
Robots are not going to replace humans; they are going to make their jobs much more humane. Difficult, demeaning, demanding, dangerous, dull – these are the jobs robots will be taking. Productivity is one of the primary benefits of robotics in the workplace. In Europe, the goal is to attain a 20 percent increase in productivity by 2020. Central to achieving this is the exploration and use of robotics in the workplace.

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Modern words!!

English language is the most universal language in history. To enjoy and learn from what you read you must understand the meaning of the words a writer uses. Vocabulary is a matter of word-building as well as word-using and only few activities are as delightful as learning new vocabulary. Now not everything can be taught in the classroom – that is why I have put together a list of 10 newer English words and figures of speech for you to sprinkle into your English conversations:
Earworm: A song or tune that is stuck in your head. Ex: That new Selena Gomez song is such an earworm!
Bitcoin:An electronic currency that can be transferred securely without the need of a third party (such as a bank or PayPal)

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Tips for personality development (part 1)

Tip 1: Improve your English Since you are reading this blog in English, it should be quite obvious that your official language of work is English. Bear in mind that the level of success and maturity a person can have is directly in proportion to his power of expression which in turn is dependent on command he or she has in the language. Therefore read magazines, newspapers, books and blogs. Learn and imbibe new words daily and use them in your conversation frequently.
Tip 2 Dress up well:- Grooming your external looks is also a part of personality development. The very first impression is given by the external appearance. Hence appropriate dressing is one of the most looked into aspects in most work culture. Also good, clean attire in contemporary fashion helps you look and feel more confident. Therefore, make sure your dress is neatly ironed and your shoes are polished. Ensure that the color combination is appropriate to suit the occasion. Avoid flashy attire.

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COUMARIN (Anticancerous Drug)

Coumarins, a fused benzene and pyrone ring systems are of growing importance as targets for synthesis.
It plays an important place in drug discovery process due to its presence in diversity of biologically active compounds.
It has a tremendous ability to regulate diverse range of cellular pathways that can be explored for selective anticancer activity, antibacterial and antifungal activity.
A new area of research and prompted authors to compile literature on its synthesis and improved biological properties. Antibacterial and antifungal are the very serious problem nowadays, and many drugs are available for this kind of treatment.
Coumarin is used in certain perfumes and fabric conditioners.

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To many the skyscraper embodies tomorrow in steel, concrete and glass. Each tower represents a vision of the future, of a sci-fi landscape. It is hard not to be impressed by the skyline of, for example, New York or of Dubai, where the likes of the Burj Khalifa are symbolic of the transformative power of money and determination.

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Education and Jobs: Time for Bridging the Gap

Career is a word that is being used in abundance from the moment we enter kindergarten. It is a word every student is either afraid of or ignore the role it plays in their adolescent lives. Career can be simply defined as the path we take to pave our journey of life. It is the road that we take to reach the destination we want. It is synonymous to words like goal, plan, etc.
Career is metaphorically connected with the education we are recipient of from our very childhood. But with the deteriorating condition of our education system, career has totally morphed into a different species for a student. From a very early age, we are taught to conform our ideas to that of our predecessors or whatever the teacher teaches us.
A child has an imagination that is individualistic in nature, form and shape. The first and foremost guru of a child is the parent who teaches how to walk, talk and get ready to face the challenges that this world offers. Then the child gets a mentor in the form of a teacher who shapes that unrestrained mind to his/her own understanding which to some extent is required. But its major drawback is that it gradually depletes the child’s individualism. It then eradicates the uniqueness and creates a robot that just follows the instructions and doesn’t think out of the box.

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In mathematics classes across the world, one of the most common things you will hear students mumble under their breaths (while they copy down yet another algebra problem) is: When are we ever going to need this in real life?
But there’s a special branch of mathematics that deals with problems ‘in real life’. This branch is called applied mathematics, and if you happen to become an engineer one day, you will find yourself using this kind of mathematics on a daily basis.
Applied mathematics is often used to solve complex practical problems. And it is when used by engineers that this kind of mathematics brings about the most invaluable real world solutions to our problems: How do we make a 300-ton aircraft fly through the sky? How do we build a bridge that can cross a 1km river? How do we stop skyscrapers from collapsing during an earthquake?

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With the evolution of the computer age, Electronics & Communication has come into every sphere of human life, thus increasing its scope manifolds. Electronics is now a part of our everyday life, from pocket FM radio to televisions, computers, mobile phones and even the high-end satellites that are helping us in every path

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Business Activities for Inclusive and Sustainable development: A new sunrise

We dream that the world will develop on the path of economic progress, this growth when supported by inclusive development and respect for ecology is headed towards better sustainability. In this world where majority of the population is still living off the land in agriculture or allied activities, battling with ways to address poverty alleviation, with climatic changes having an inexplicably adverse impact on those living at the bottom of the pyramid. Here again, need of business models to tackle these issues is felt. The working poor are creative and resourceful economic agents with an appetite for change. The world has to find ways to tap into this potential through inclusive and sustainable business models - those offering goods, services, and livelihoods to the poor in financially sustainable and scalable ways.

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How to Believe in Yourself

At times, it can be hard for you to believe in yourself, especially if you have developed negative feelings, like you have nothing to offer or are unworthy of things, only until you realize that the contrary can be true. If you are having trouble introspecting and seeing all the amazing things you possess and all the beautiful things you could offer to make this world a better place, there are simple things that you can do to start believing in yourself.

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Opportunities and Challenges in E-Commerce and Digital Marketing

Indian economy has more than few reasons to celebrate its silver year of reforms driven by industry likeeCommerce. eCommerce in world’s fastest growing economy is expected to reach $38 billion (Rs. 211, 005 Crores) in 2016 and $1 Trillion (6,67,000 Crores) by 2020 well supported by declining broadband subscription charges and launch of 3G, 4G services at an affordable cost. eCommerce backed by digital marketing and social networking present unprecedented opportunity attracted tons of sellers across all regions and investors from across the globe. While eCommerce has present array of opportunities in India, it does come with handful of challenges some of them too serious to affect a major section.

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Why should we read

A person who does not read has no advantage over a person who cannot read - Mark Twain For many of us reading books and learning stops with the completion of our degrees. After finishing our studies we rarely give any time to reading apart from reading newspapers and magazines once in while but unfortunately most of that time is spent reading gossips and celebrity news. Even Charlie Munger, the renowned partner of The Legendary Investor Warren Buffett told the outgoing class of University of Southern California, You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You are going to advance in life by what you are going to learn after you leave here. This signifies the importance of learning as this message was given to one of the best law schools of America. So I hope you can understand the importance of lifelong learning especially in our context.

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