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Communication and Bollywood

The speaker; said exactly what is desired to be said, the listener is present; he listened and performed exactly in the way desired; the action took place exactly in the way it was pre- decided… WOW comes' response from the Audience – the process of communication is complete.
This form of communication that happens specifically to create a drama for the witness – is an essential part of cinema. As a kid we were happy waving our hands to passing Train or A flying airplane or We are happy visiting a circus, a fair, a wonder park, even though we have not taken any ride or a museum, a monument, we are glad to be a witness and when that happens, it is the ART that MEETS the eye and communicates.
Films are one such art and a mature form of communication. What does it tells you! If I try to put it in a sentence - The reality of any communication lies in the levels you penetrate in order to reach your audience; be it emotional, psychological, rational or motivational.
What is communicated is not always need words. Saying goes – pictures worth a thousand words! How true it is. All form of Media including social medial has shown us the power a ‘picture’ possesses. We see an image of a friend or of a celebrity, we instantly connect to the level of even his thinking when the picture is taken, their state of Mind and even emotions happy or Sad, we know it despite any verbal message. If a stable image can communicate this much, imagine what a moving image or a video film can do.
The cinema in India is more than 100 years old. Today it is ‘the’ most powerful tool of communication. It has its own language and reach. It makes you connect, disconnect & reconnect to your own feelings and to the story that reveals on the projector. You live that life, you are part of it. Most powerful books are those in which you get Involve. This involvement leads to diminishing of the individuality that exists between the person giving the message and the person receiving it. The communication of this sort is deep, intense and can be retained for a long time.
Cinema is actually a market of communication. If I say that Communication is a form of Sports then Cinema is the arena or play field. The growth of Indian film industry or say Bollywood has led to the changes in the way communication is perceived. Imagine the way dialogues, lyrics and music hit us when they get associated to a brand or vice versa. The need of any product is to reach a wider consumer base. A fashion becomes trend when it walks into a society framework and gets approved via a film.
A research was done in Turkey in the year 2017 on The Impact of Watching Movies on the Communication Skills of Nursing Students. The idea was to see as since the nursing profession is based on human relations and interaction, the effectiveness of nursing care depends on an effective communication between nurses, patients and healthy people. The research confirmed that the students’ communication skills improved. Watching movies and discussing them significantly enhances the teaching and development of communication skills. What is the idea behind any communication? The word communication is taken from the Latin communicare, meaning "to share". Calling pictures and cinema as a high rated part of communication is slightly overbearing. Thousands of years back people used signs on caves and on stones to communicated and that even speaks today. If you visit paintings of Ajanta and Ellora caves their language is as clear as it was many years ago.
Cinema cannot be categorized under Non-Verbal Communication even though for Witness it acts like one. People cry with the character displayed, laugh with it, win or lose with it they carry on with the rage of emotions a scene creates, that scene has words, music and actions. Sometimes it becomes more interesting to see how a work of literature is used as a tool of inspiration in cinema. Why I am pointing this, let me explain – In the 2009 movie Invictus, the famous Victorian poem of the same name written by English poet William Ernest Henley act as source of inspiration to the President of South Africa who along with the poem inspires the Rugby Captain to lead the team to the famous 1995 Victory at the world cup in South Africa. The movie is inspiring but what is brilliant is to feel how something which is just a piece of English literature communicates the sentiments and inspires a team.
Communication can be said as complete if the speaker & listener attains the desired result and Cinema is one place where it really comes alive albeit sometimes unexplainably. Screenplay or screenwriting or script is said to be the most important part of film-making. A tight script, a lose script or good and bad script are common terms we hear. To be precise Script is what brings ideas to life. It is felt that need of Well-rounded writers is there in any writing. Communicating a thought with visuals and creating a drama out of it is easier said than done. If you see the end credit rolls at the end of movie then, not less than 500 people are part of single big budget super-hit film. Imagine all they have to do is to make you listen what they want to communicate. Cinema was in popular in silent era, when words are not audible. It is said that Language cuts class distinction and cinema always chooses the language that is popular to masses. There are an estimated 7,097 language spoken throughout the world today (839 spoken in Papua New Guinea alone), but because many of these are spoken by a small number of people they are considered at risk of extinction. It is said Cinema has a universal language. From French films to Italian from Marathi to Tamil and from Telugu to Hindi, movies have their own way to communicate with a diverse and varied audience.
Cinema is always said to be a vehicle that can communicate social changes from National Imagination, nation building, young dreams of love and romanticism, from devotion to action, from call of change to celebration, from population to corruption, from drug abuse to health, from politics to democracy, from Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to Make in India, society has always find its reflection communicated brilliantly though cinema. The communication in cinema can be described as a Nexus or Amalgamation of literature, society, creativity and innovation.
Technically cinema is a tool for above the line marketing. Communication as word can exist on its own, but marketing needs to -suffix by Communication to actually measure the impact or to give value. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is the tool used by various film production and distribution companies to generate interest in their products (here films), first a poster comes, the social media buzz, communication on you-tube, blogs, channels, then movie trailers and a lot actually works in order to communicate the end user, that is we, to come and see the film in cinema hall. The curriculum that we as teacher work in gives us a straight line on which we have to bring a lot of students to. Read, recite and write this is what the whole concept is. For people focused in Marketing and Sales as a carrier choice or pursuing MBA should realize that uniqueness or thinking creatively is also an essential part of their growth. Faculties should focus that communication curriculum and creativity should work in symphony so that music should create rhythm and not noise.
Bollywood has long and extended life in India. Entertainment is a job sector and communication is the most pivotal tool to succeed in it. Just remember – communicate with purpose

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